Encouraging Family Philanthropy: Unlocking Generational Giving

Embrace a legacy of meaningful impact by creating a giving strategy with the help of our philanthropy experts and a charitable fund account that makes philanthropy easier.

Encouraging Family Philanthropy: Unlocking Generational Giving

Embrace a legacy of meaningful impact by creating a giving strategy with the help of our philanthropy experts and a charitable fund account that makes philanthropy easier.

The power of family philanthropy is immeasurable. It's a journey that spans generations, fostering compassion, empathy, and a deep-rooted sense of purpose. At the Be BlueRock Foundation, we witness the transformative impact of family giving strategies through our charitable fund accounts, unlocking a world of opportunities for families to create lasting change.

3 Benefits of Family Philanthropy with Be BlueRock Foundation

  1. Navigating Generational Decisions

The complexities of a giving strategy can sometimes stall over diverse opinions. Our sub-funds provide an independent platform to propel your giving forward, fostering collaboration and unity among different generations within the family.

  1. Learning Compassion and Financial Literacy

A family philanthropic fund becomes a hub for learning, where children are introduced to compassion, gratitude, and financial literacy. It's more than just financial contributions; it's an educational journey that shapes values and perspectives.

  1. Cultivating Empathy and Stronger Bonds 

Wealth accumulated over decades might create a disconnect from the struggles of others. Engaging in meaningful conversations about giving nurtures empathy, mental well-being, and stronger familial relationships. It's about walking in the shoes of others and embracing a shared commitment to making a difference.

A Glimpse Into a Generational Giving Conversation

In a recent year-end philanthropic conversation, spanning three generations from 75-year-old patriarchs to 8-year-old youngsters, the essence of giving and its profound impact was beautifully articulated.

The grandfather emphasised the significance of aiding the less fortunate, envisioning a legacy of giving that transcends time. He urged his grandchildren to carry forward this legacy to their own children, to continue the privilege of being able to contribute to others.

The grandmother also highlighted the value of personal engagement beyond monetary donations. For her, it was about investing time and skills through volunteering, forging meaningful connections with charitable organisations.

Surprisingly insightful were the perspectives of the younger generation. The cousins, aged 8, 12, and 15, voiced concerns about climate change and explored how their contributions could make a systemic impact. This third generation organised their own giving circle, passionately discussing what they want to support and the profound implications of their collective actions. A timely reminder not to underestimate the passion of millennials!

Their views were shaped not just by familial conversations but also by experiences in their school, where initiatives like food drives and community volunteering echoed the principles of philanthropy the family discussed.

Beyond Conversations: Taking Action

This multi-generational dialogue didn’t just unfold within the family meeting. It sparked a ripple effect, inspiring actionable steps and creating a sense of purpose amid the bustling end-of-year activities that we all get swept up in. The year ahead is burgeoning with opportunities to engage in philanthropy.

Join the Movement and Become a Philanthropist

The family philanthropy meeting, held over a shared dinner, exemplified the impact of meaningful discussions, bringing purpose to wealth, and making giving accessible amid the chaos of daily life.

If you wish to embark on this transformative journey of family philanthropy, initiating conversations that resonate across generations, we're here to guide you. Let's start this journey together and leave a lasting legacy of impactful giving.

Reach out to Be BlueRock Foundation to learn about our philanthropy consultation process, and open the doors to a legacy of meaningful philanthropy with your family.

Stay up to date with the Be BlueRock Foundation, learn about philanthropy and discover different ways to get involved with your business or your family.