Involving Your Family In Your Philanthropy

We established the Be BlueRock Foundation to make it easier for BlueRock clients, and any Australian business or family, to get involved in philanthropy. Learn how to get your family involved in your endeavours to give purpose to wealth and leave a lasting legacy.

Involving Your Family In Your Philanthropy

We established the Be BlueRock Foundation to make it easier for BlueRock clients, and any Australian business or family, to get involved in philanthropy. Learn how to get your family involved in your endeavours to give purpose to wealth and leave a lasting legacy.

The act of giving to others is good for society, and it can be an incredibly rewarding experience for people of all ages. What many people don’t consider is involving their children in their family’s giving strategy. They make the mistake of thinking they’re too young to understand the importance of giving back. In our experience, involving children in philanthropy can be incredibly beneficial for both the children and the communities they support.

The Benefits of Involving Children in Philanthropy

Involving children in philanthropy helps them develop empathy and compassion. By engaging in philanthropic activities, kids can gain a better understanding of the needs of others and learn to be empathetic and compassionate towards them.

Children who participate in philanthropic activities also develop a sense of responsibility towards the well-being of their community and the wider world. The need to have the latest iPhone becomes less pressing when kids realise that other families are struggling to make ends meet and pay for school books, and that they can help! Learning that they have a role to play in making the world a better place is empowering for children. They're not helpless bystanders. They can be agents of change.

As well as empowering children, participating in philanthropy can also build self-esteem. When they see the positive impacts they can make, they'll feel more confident in their own abilities and more optimistic about their future.

Philanthropy also encourages teamwork and collaboration, which are important life skills to learn at a young age. Philanthropic activities often require working with others towards a common goal, which helps kids develop these skills. They learn how to work with people from diverse backgrounds and with different perspectives, and they learn the value of compromise and cooperation.

Zoos Victoria Encouraging Young People to Make a Difference

Take the Black Summer bushfires as a recent example. As smoke filled the city skyline, generous donations were made to support the communities affected and the wildlife requiring emergency care and shelter. Zoos Victoria received a record number of donations to its Bushfire Emergency Wildlife Fund from new donors both in Australia and overseas.

Like all of us, kids were confronted with images on the news of koalas displaced and bandaged up as they underwent recovery. Donating was an empowering way for families to respond. The zoo-based conservation organisation was able to use the funds to prepare for future emergencies and construct new veterinary centres, including the RSPCA Koala Ward at Werribee Open Range Zoo. 

Zoos Victoria are leaders in this space. Young people can get involved in developing science and leadership skills through the Youth Leadership program, or help shape the future direction of Zoos Victoria through the Youth Advisory Committee. They can also get involved in saving wildlife through the Fighting Extinction Schools Community, where they can act for threatened species and share their learnings.

Learn How the Be BlueRock Foundation Can Help Your Family Make a Difference

Involving kids in philanthropy can create lifelong habits. When children are exposed to philanthropy at a young age, they're more likely to continue engaging in charitable activities throughout their lives. They'll understand the value of giving back to their community and will continue to prioritise this as they grow older.

So, if you're looking for ways to build your children’s or grandchildren’s confidence, find activities to share with them and pass on your values of care and compassion - get in touch about creating a sub-fund with the Be BlueRock Foundation.

Our Philanthropy team will involve your children in developing your giving strategy and your philanthropic activities to reflect your family’s values and the causes you care about. The benefits of philanthropy are too great to ignore, and involving your kids can be a wonderful way to create positive change in the world.

Stay up to date with the Be BlueRock Foundation, learn about philanthropy and discover different ways to get involved with your business or your family.